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MAMEHub 0.3a / 마메허브 0.3a 업데이트

업데이트 내용

MAMEHub 0.3a for windows, linux & mac has been released. You can grab the latest release from google code here:  http://code.google.com/p/mamehub/downloads/list Right now the linux and mac ports are experimental, so please test and give feedback!

If you run linux/mac, there are some dependencies that you will have to install:
  • Python-Twisted
  • WxPython
  • Subversion (comes built-in with OS/X)
The way you install these dependencies differs by OS, so google around for info.

The first time you run, it will grab all of the updates, but future runs will start quicker. Please be patient!

To run the linux/mac client, run MAMEHub.sh instead of MAMEHub.bat.

0.3a has a lot of tweaks, but here's a list of the important ones:

  • New audit capability that scans the roms directory and automatically pulls roms into a master game list. 
  • LFG List has been replaced with "Game List"
  • Ability to host a game just by double-clicking on the name in the list.

0.3a runs the latest ClientServerMAME & ClientServerMESS, with these changes:
  • UI Box pops up letting you know when the game is trying to catch-up to realtime and running faster than 100% speed (this usually happens after a connect to catch everyone up)
  • Added progress meter for client catchup after a new client joins

- 리눅스 및 맥 운영체제 버전도 내놓았네요..
- 허브GUI에 변화가 있네요..
- 자동으로 롬디렉토리를 스캔하여 게임리스트에 등록.
- 러닝타임이 빨라졌다고 합니다.

한방 다운로드 링크

'EMULATOR > MAME Hub/CSMAME' 카테고리의 다른 글

ClientServerMESS v1.0  (0) 2011.01.14
ClientServerMAME 1.0 업데이트 (공식마메 0.141과 같음)  (0) 2011.01.13
MAMEHub 0.2b released  (0) 2010.12.21
MAMEHub v0.2a  (0) 2010.12.16
ClientServerMESS v0.9b  (0) 2010.12.16