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MAME Plus! Plus v0.141u2 r41 - (라이트버전, ncp버전 업데이트) 업데이트 내용 r41 sync to r4837 버그수정 - MAME_AVI and USE_VOLUME_AUTO_ADJUST 라이트 버전 네오지오, 캡콤, IGS 게임 버전 더보기
MAME Plus! Plus v0.141u2 r40 업데이트 내용: r40 v0.141u2 sync to r4835 -broken MAME_AVI and USE_VOLUME_AUTO_ADJUST 더보기
[Nebula] 삼국전기 슈퍼 히어로즈 - 제갈량 불검, 넷플 가능 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
삼국전기 슈퍼 히어로즈 플러스 - Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (Ver. 100) 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera v0.141u1 r39 업데이트 내용 r39 0.141u2 더보기
MAME Plus! v0.141u2 r4835 업데이트 내용 r4834 Updated to MAME 0.141u2 core *[MESS] sync with svn r10355 *TODO&FIXME *cps3.c, pgm.c need check *MameLoadState in winui.c r4835 *updated tp & jp text 더보기
RenameSET.dat 0.141u2 http://www.progettosnaps.net/renset_en.html 2011/02/10 Added 0.141u2, Update 'allMAMErenames.txt' and 'renameSET.ini' $0.141u2 2011/02/09 10.301 set (+36), 5.202 parent (+23), 5.041 clones (+13), 58 BIOS, 464 CHD roms (+4), Samples 241, Working 7.692 (+20), NotWorking 2.551 (+16), Mechanical 1.148, Non Mechanical 9.095 (+36) 76.594 roms (+163), 75.186 programs roms (+159), 208 BIOS roms (+1), 41.. 더보기
PCE for PSP 0.83HBL http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/Sc/so/155183 は、HBL様に調整したヤツを入れてあります。(HBL,EC) 今更って感じがしたのと、問題が残っているのとで明確にしてなかったんですが、 HBLとECは署名して動作可能なので、よろしかったらドーゾ。 ちなみに沈黙し続けてるのは、サボりみたいな感じw 더보기
[PSP] Snes9X Euphoria R5 Beta3 http://www.psp-hacks.com/2011/02/06/snes9x-euphoria-r5-beta-3-released/ It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from Zack, and it’s been even longer since you’ve downloaded an updated SNES emulator… Released fresh is Snes9X Euphoria R5 BETA 3 — you’ll be happy to know Mario Allstars works again, not to mention all the other optimizations, improvements and bug fixes. Recommended settings from Zack: Fo.. 더보기
MameUIHiScore v0.141u2 In Sync with MAME Source v0.141u2 / Both 32-Bit and 64-Bit available . ___________________________ MameUIHiScore is another Mame Build with Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support . And the following stuff : - Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support (toggleable) ON by Default - Removeable Nag Screens (toggleable) OFF by Default - Removeable Loading/Decrypting Messages (toggleable) OFF by Default - 2 not so kn.. 더보기
MameUI v0.141.2 http://www.mameui.info/ MameUI v0.141.2 is released. MameUI [formerly Mame32] is the GUI version of the M.ultiple A.rcade M.achine E.mulator, a program which seeks to document the internal hardware and code of all arcade games. Originally authored in 1997 by Chris Kirmse, it was the first port of Mame™ to the Windows platform. 0.141u2 ------- MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- - 04225.. 더보기
MAME 0.141u2 업데이트 CHD 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
MAME 0.141u2 업데이트 롬 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
Mameinfo.dat v0.141u2 * Updated to MAME 0.141u2. * Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos. 더보기
MAME v0.141u2 http://www.mamedev.org/ 0.141u2 ------- MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- - 04225: [Sound] gangwars: Samples incorrectly played (Tafoid) - 04221: [Misc.] chryangl: Incorrect sizes listed in source. - 04215: [Graphics] quizf1: missing graphics in a startup screen (robiza) - 04214: [DIP/Input] grobda, motos, phozon: No directional controls available for second player (Tafoid) - 04107: .. 더보기
DU Update: The Post-Super Bowl Jam (2011/02/07) We got a Capcom Fighting Jam kit. 아마 다음 마메 업데이트때 덤프될듯 합니다. 더보기
R. Belmont's WIP Emporium - Getting into phase Getting into phase Arguably the most problematic aspect of MAME’s PSX hardware emulation was the SPU audio chip. It had no envelope support, no reverb, and an assortment of bugs. Fortunately most arcade games use the SPU only for sound effects and have a separate chip for music so the problems weren’t as dire as a working MESS PSX driver might have shown, but glitches did occur and vex players (.. 더보기
Demul WIP: Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden / Samurai Shodown VI More samurai good and different WIP-screenshots from "Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden / Samurai Shodown VI" (Atomiswave) 출처: forum.emu-russia.net 더보기