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MAME 자료실/롬파일 관리 툴

RomVault v1.5.3

RomVault is a new rom management tool. RomVault should be seen as an alternative to clrmame pro with some nice and new features that could make it perfect for managing large numbers of dats / collections using less time (one scan vs N dats a time instead of one scan for each dat) and giving you a nice easy to use GUI.

새로운 롬파일 관리 툴 입니다.

RomVault v1.5.3 업데이트 내용:

Bug Fixed: "Index was out of range" Please download version 1.5.3

A bug has surfaced with the latest RomVault 1.5.2. The error message contains the text "Index was out of range".
I am testing a fix right now, and should have 1.5.3 released before the end of the day.

출처 : 여기

'MAME 자료실 > 롬파일 관리 툴' 카테고리의 다른 글

RomManager Dats v0.141u3  (0) 2011.03.01
ClrMamePro v3.137c  (0) 2011.03.01
[롬파일 관리툴] RomVault v1.5.5  (0) 2011.02.18
[롬파일 관리툴] RomVault v1.5.4  (1) 2011.01.29
ClrMamePro v3.137b 업데이트  (0) 2011.01.14