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FB Alpha Shuffle v0.2.97.08 (2011/01/08) - PGM 갱신


更新了修了西游 Super的片头问题

- January.07.2011 -
* old savestate/replay files cannot be used from this version.
- compiled with vs2010 (updated directx sdk and win7 sdk).
- improved burn lib.
- some drivers changes. [BisonSAS]
- updated PGM driver, added kovplusb, kovsgqyz, kovsgqyza, kovlsqh, kovassg.
- added lasthpcd, ironclada, quizdaisk, quizkofk, rbffspeck to neogeo driver.
- added wofch3p to CPS1 driver.
- added scanline intensity adjustment.
- added scale5x to video mode.
- fixed kovplus.
- fixed snowbros.
- fixed buttons for some CPS2 phoenix games.
- fixed software rotation for mirrored vertical alignment.
- fixed savestates for some drivers.
- fixed a small bug in cheat file parse. (thanks to Ams for reporting bug)
- fixed avi recording for 16-bit only games with DirectDraw video mode.
- fixed screen clear when enter fullscreen in OpenGL mode with some video cards.
- fixed some memory leaks.
- simplified macros defined in game drivers.
- improved accuracy of export clrmamep data.
- removed some unnecessary items in game drivers.
- removed some useless CPS1, neogeo romsets.
- removed old Direct3D7 blitter.
- removed motion blur effect from Direct3D biltter.
- removed "force-16bit" option.
- removed 2xpm, hq2xbold and hq3xbold filters.
- removed unnecessary "modeless menu" option.
- removed input combo support. (hacky code)
- removed some rarely-used features.
- changed some default settings.
- improved game icon display.
- optimized speed for exporting translation gamelist from mamep.lst.
- modified preference dialog and game list dialog to be modeless.
- updated dinput and removed dependency on old dx libs.
- updated zlib library to 1.2.5. (http://www.zlib.net/)
- updated libpng library to 1.4.5. (http://libpng.sourceforge.net)
- fixed some minor bugs.
- source code cleanup optimization.
- updated romsets to match MAME 0.141.
