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nulldc-104 SVN rev109 / nulldc-104 NAOMI SVN rev108

Revision summary:

-Cleanups / fixes
-removed warnings
+Fully embedded the new logging system
+Added NO_VERIFY def
+Added optimized build configuration

How to compile the optimized build:
Open with your favorite text editor the following files :


Look for : "#undef NO_VERIFY" (in types.h) and replace it with : #define
Look for : "#define DEFAULT_LOGGING" (logging_interface.h) and replace it with :

Set build settings to "Release-NoTrace" then , save everything and compile.

If you do the above , you'll notice a big difference in the block compile times
and the overall performance of
the emulator.

:| |:

'EMULATOR > SEGA DC' 카테고리의 다른 글

nullDC SVN r111  (0) 2010.12.16
nulldc-104 SVN rev110  (0) 2010.12.14
nullDC SVN r104 nullDC-Naomi SVN r104  (0) 2010.12.09
nullDC-Naomi SVN r103  (0) 2010.12.04
nullDC SVN r103  (0) 2010.12.04