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ClientServerMAME 0.7c

출처 : http://10ghost.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html

ClientServerMAME 0.7c is out

CS-MAME 0.7c is out.

To get the latest version, go to the github site here:


I've also published a video with step-by-step instructions on how to run ClientServerMAME. Check it out here:

단계별 실행방법 설명 영상입니다..
포트포워딩 부분은 처음 접하는 분들은 이해하기 쉽지않지만. 좀 하다보니 금방 해결되네요..
포트포워딩은 서버를 개설하는 사람만 하면됩니다.

Here's a list of changes:

-The initial sync is now sent in chunks and a progress bar is included.

-Delta syncs are now sent over the course of time. This keeps the UDP stream from getting clogged with large delta syncs

-Delta syncs are now transparently sent in the background. Instead of the client waiting for a delta sync, the client performs a save state to memory at the time where the sync should take place, then continues processing. When the delta sync comes in from the server, the client compares the sync to its snapshot and if they match, ignores it. If they don't match, the client goes back in time, replaces its ram with the server's ram, and then fast forwards to the present. This makes delta syncs almost unnoticeable

-Added the "secondsbetweensync" option to mame.ini. This option allows the user to control how often to perform a sync. NOTE THAT THE CLIENTS AND SERVER MUST HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME VALUE

-Added the "synctransferseconds" option. This controls the rate at which a sync is sent to the client. Lower number means faster rates and less recovery time from a sync, but result in increased network bandwidth and may cause delays. NOTE THAT THE CLIENTS AND SERVER MUST HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME VALUE

-If the client performs a delta sync, it will fast forward without updating the video to allow for rapid catch-up

-BUG FIX: The chat feature was broken for client, and only the server could talk. This has been fixed (remember, press 'T' to start a chat)
*게임 중 T 버튼을 누르면 채팅이 가능합니다..다만, 영어만 지원됩니다

-Press 'N' to hide the networking UI (ping and traffic statistics)
*게임중 N 버튼을 누르면 화면 상단에 표시되는 핑값과 트래픽값 표시가 없어집니다.

-BUG FIX: Server messages were getting overwritten by a memory overrun, this has been fixed.


위의 유투브 동영상 처럼 서버, 클라이언트 구동하는데 성공하였습니다..
물론 혼자 플레이 했지만, 2인이상 넷플환경 테스트 후에 자세한 설명 강좌로 올리도록 하겠습니다.

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